I'm Max,
Frontend Developer



I am Maxwell Munene

I am a Kenyan techie and creative designer with a constant anticipation for simplistic, functional and meaningful design. A famous quote by one Osho goes,

“To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more (anything good) to it."

That is basically what I try to live by, and through the tech avenue, let's make it a worthy course. To make the world a better place, let's kee creating.
#Kenyan #African.

Here's What I know


Various technologies I use on my projects, progressively working up the MERN Stack-Developer Roadmap.

  • HTML

  • CSS3

  • JS

  • React JS

  • Figma

  • Redux

  • Sass

  • Git

  • Node JS

  • Linux

  • Github

  • Firebase


Contact Me